Tanya Crooks

It's Not Always Going To Fix Itself

... Whether you're a Champion UFC Fighter, or training for the Ironman or you're working out training for life

…or anything in the middle, you have experienced pain or limiting factors such as range of motion issues, muscle fatigue or have something that got “tweaked” that just isn’t going away… These are some of the reasons you need me and I want to help get you back to it. In my experience, I was only able to help myself to a certain point by stretching, using foam rollers, lacrosse balls and anything else I could find on the internet to possibly help. Perhaps you have exhausted those options as well, or maybe you’re in a hurry because you have a competition or an event coming up, and you need some help. I enjoy staying active myself and this is why I want to help you… I've been there. My goal is to help you get back to doing what you love.